Let me warn you before we begin. As those vague areas on ancient seafarers' maps used to caution...here there be monsters. Nothing quite so obvious as the thing under the bed or the rustling presence that just won't stop opening your closet door. No, I prefer my thrills come from more unusual fare. From a swirl in slimy lagoon waters perhaps. Or, hidden behind the bright, blinking pixels of a computer screen. Walk with me. Don't look too hard at the discarded chair on the roadside or that baby left on firehouse steps. Ignore that corpse with the shiny red button grafted into its arm. Stare straight ahead. Try not to react. They are only there to lead us down twisted paths to places destined never to appear on the pages of any atlas...The books and stories offered herein will take you on just such a journey...I hope you enjoy the ride....

"Fiction is the truth inside the lie."

                    – Stephen King